Amidst each of the exciting mayhem from the past's events, Canadian accessibility to Motorola's new RAZR High-definition were wistfully dropped. Fret not necessarily, however, as being the Google-owned or operated outfit has let it be possible known that its recently reported 4.7-inch piece will follow coming to help Canada just as one exclusive to help Rogers -- as well as with a rather tweaked moniker. The RAZR Harley-davidson LTE -- as it'll always be known inwards Great Bright North area -- is even now the identical unit we were our grungy paws upon, meaning you should have the like 8.4mm lean body, ii,500mAh battery power, dual-central, 1.5GHz S4 Computer and, by natural means, that stylemark Kevlar supporting found around the RAZR loved ones. There's not sure yet how much folks will need to shell available once the item hits Canadian shelves "this fall," there is however a subscription page open for anyone interested in being kept in the loop -- link to that particular is just down underneath
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